I Luv Final Fantasy ^^
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I can't help but love this RPG series! It's the best thing since sliced bread!
I love Final Fantasy 7/8/9/ but FF7 is my favourite (tis more cartoony and funny). I play it all the time and have over 600 FF7 images collected by me from all ovwer the internet! Fanart, official art, Amano art, but if I were to put an estimate on all the Final Fantasy images I have, I'd have to say at least 1000.

Now I know there's alot of you out there that don't agree on 'stealing' - I collect because I love the art and I feel it's more of an honour to see your art on someone else's site - it shows they care! ^_~ So that's why I'll probably turn this website into a FF image site (please don't be mad at me!)

Of course I won't be putting ALL of them up, I'll leave out the rude ones hehehe and probably those without the artist's name/email/website address on. I'm going to be as careful as possible, if you are in any way angry with me for putting up your art on this site then don't hesitate to email me and I PROMISE it shall be removed immediately, of course if you send me a link to your own website I'll happily put it up here and label it clearly.

That's all, please enjoy these pictures as much as I do.

  From my own Fanfiction - not posted/not entirely abandoned but nowhere near enough to post anywhere. "C'mon newcomer. Follow me." The larger man said and started off expecting naturally for the man to follow as he asked, which he did, but after inspecting the unconscious body of the guard he found one potion and pocketed it. More guards arrived in an ambush and drew the man into a battle that was short-lived, with the victor stealing another potion from the other unconscious station guard and progressing on through the station alone. He had one job and that was to assist these terrorists in blowing up the Sector 1 Reactor, for a small price of 1000 Gil for he is a mercenary, an ex-SOLDIER, who once worked for Shinra in the most elite of army forces. It is not known to anybody why he quit, or what rank he was in, or even, what his name is.

"Wow! You used to be in SOLDIER all right! Not everyday ya find one in a group like AVALANCHE." Biggs, the tall youth with black hair and a red bandana, addressed the blond man with his hand held out. The ex-SOLDIER ignored the gesture.

"SOLDIER? Aren't they the enemy? What's he doing with us in AVALANCHE?" Jesse interrupted, she had been waiting for the rest of the guys to join her by the entrance gate into the Reactor, she was trying to unlock it.

"Hold it Jesse, He WAS in SOLDIER. He quit them and now is one of us." Biggs turned back to the ex-SOLDIER hanging around waiting patiently. "Didn't catch your name..."


My fave Cloud picture - and it's official! So much movemet in this - it's cool! >_<
  From my posted fanfiction on ffnet: 'Flight To Fall' It's not a particularly good one but it is my first ff7 fanfiction attempt. "Come on Vinny!" Vinny? No one has ever called me that.

"I'd rather let you gain the experience, you need it more than me."

"Oh thank you very much, how gracious you are to me Vinny." She mocked.

"The young are always so eager to prove themselves. I don't feel the need so much at my age." Yuffie tilted her head.

"How old are you?" She enquired sincerely.

"Twenty-seven." He said quickly, he wasn't sure if he should start revealing the truth, after all they had come all this way together hadn't they?

"Oh, I'd have thought you'd be older, you being a grown man back when Sephiroth was born. How old was Sephiroth anyway?" Vincent paused. Sephiroth had been born just before he was put in that coffin, he was woken thirty years later and Cloud did reveal after that five years before that he did in fact kill Sephiroth.

"Twenty-five when he died, about that age. All this time, it was his spirit we were fighting, I think, This whole story is so confusing."

"You got that right."

Awww Vincent and Yuffie - YUFFENTINES RULE! Hey, the extract on the right could almost go with the scene above...except that they are not that close this part of the fic...
  Tifa Lockheart, ladies and gentlemen... I haven't written much fanfcition that wasn't based on Yuffie and Vincent, but Tifa is one of my fave FF7 characters, I used to hate her and like Aeris then I switched and now Aeris annoys me! This picture is so well drawn - look at the movement! You can really get into this picture - the artist has definately accomplished something great here.

Yay! This is probably one of the best artist's I've come across! Yay for Tifa she rocks!

Final Fantasy FOREVER!!!!!!! >_<